Posted by: annaleefinch11 | January 13, 2014

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai

Malala was shot over a year ago by a Taliban for voicing her opinion about girls going to school. She is an inspiration for me because as a social work major, my goal is to give a voice to those who may not have one. For someone who is so young and lived in an area that is feared by so many, she is the image of what courage and hope is. She never feared what would happen to her because she was standing up for something she believed so strongly in and is breaking more boundaries for women than she probably realizes.



    I had heard about Malala, but my first time hearing her speak was in this interview with Jon Stewart. I think she is a wonderful face for the women’s leadership movement. She is calm, pulled together, and passionate about achieving women’s full potential. It’s impressive that a woman as young as Malala has been able to become such a strong figure for the movement. Her point, which she makes in the interview, that causes must be fought with truth and education is beautiful.

  2. I’m glad some are familiar with her story already. We’ll be talking about Malala as an example of a contemporary woman who “broke the rules” next week.

  3. I love her too. She just delivered an amazing speech to the general assembly at the UN not too long ago. Her oratory skills are impeccable. I honestly believe that her survival of the gunshot was meant to be so she could become a great influence for women and education in the middle east.

    This is her speech to the UN.

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